Green Oil Libya's Continuous Improvement Policy
At Green Oil Libya, our primary purpose is to protect the environment by providing the highest quality waste treatment solutions. Our organization is dedicated to excellence by:
- exceeding customers' expectations and all other relevant requirements
- achieving continual improvement of our operations and performance
- establishing objectives to communicate organizational direction and drive improvements
- develop and continually update Standard Operating Procedures for Health, Safety and Environment
Green Oil Libya's Environmental Policy
Green Oil Libya is committed to the protection of the environment through implementation of an Environmental Management System. The statement dictates the principle of the Environmental Management System and defines Green Oil Libya's commitment to sound environmental activities and performance through a complete frame work of actions setting our environmental targets and objectives.
Our policy is to:
- Execute our activities in compliance with the applicable Libyan and EU laws, legislations and conventions, especially by placing waste as high as possible on the waste hierarchy (the 5 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, Refuse).
- Enhance an adequate and proper Waste Management System through a frame work of actions that encourages the complete reuse of the processed waste.
- Evaluate systematically the environmental impact of our continuous activities and implementation of mitigation measures.
- Encourage our employees' and contractors' responsibilities for a sound Environmental Management System by providing adequate resources and training.
- Participate with governmental authorities in analyzing emerging environmental issues and developing scientific and cost effective environmental standards.
- Respond quickly and effectively to any incident resulting from our environmental operational activities in cooperation with EGA when required.
- Transparently report our performance and keeping our policy open to the public.
- Maintain Environmental Monitoring Programs including periodic auditing and reviews to asses our environmental performance in compliance with the governmental requirements in line with our policy.
- Develop and update emergency plans and procedures for the protection of the environmental activities.
With the continuous effort and commitment of everyone in Green Oil Libya, we shall make sure that our objectives are accomplished.
Green Oil Libya's Health, Safety and Environmental Policy
Green Oil Libya is actively engaged in operations to protect the environment. These operations require high degree of awareness among all members of our company to protect the Health and Safety of our employees and contractors, the Environment and the integrity of Assets.
Green Oil Libya shall adhere to Libyan Laws and Legislations concerning HSE matters; in particular to all additional requirements specified by EGA and NOC. A special consideration is also made to EU Law and International Conventions.
Green Oil Libya implements a Health, Safety & Environmental Management System in line with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 and their contained principles in achieving our objectives towards Health, Safety and Environment.
Green Oil Libya is therefore robustly committed to ensuring that actions and positive attitude of line management assets in Continuous Improvement of HSE performance and in preventing pollution. HSE objectives shall have precedence over other objectives. It is our responsibility to ensure that sufficient finance and human recourse are available to meet
Green Oil Libya's HSE objectives. Our goal is to continuously reduce the number and severity of incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses, minimize hazardous waste and gas emissions and their impacts on the environment, promote resource conservation, and reduce damage and losses in general.
Line Management is responsible and accountable for enforcing these HSE Policies and principles and reaching its recognized objectives, by in particular ensuring that:
- Green Oil Libya's High Temperature Thermal Desorption and Oxidation System is designed, constructed and maintained to reduce risks to our employees, contractors, the environment and assets to a lowest reasonable and practical level.
- A high degree of awareness of our employees and contractors towards HSE is developed, promoted and maintained.
- Accident reoccurrence is avoided by reporting, analyzing and implementing remedial action.
- Auditing and inspection programs shall be planned and executed to assess the reliability of operation and Management System.
Line Managers participates in regular HSE meeting at site and offices to review HSE performance and report results and corrective actions to senior management.
Each one of our employees is responsible and accountable for our actions towards HSW policies as our employees and HSE performance will have influence on Contractor selection.
Green Oil Libya believes that working in a healthy, safe protected environment enhances the quality of life of our employees and surroundings, and improves the efficiency of
Green Oil Libya.